ISMMART Internship Program In Islamabad 2023

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Last Updated on July 27, 2023 by admin

If you a graduate, or 3rd-year and 4th-year student and wants to get real-work experience and begin your professional career?

you’re lucky! ISMMART Group of Industries has a special internship program, which offers you a chance to learn practically in different parts of our business, industries, and professional services.

In this blog article. we will explore the details of this exciting ISMMART Internship opportunity that can shape your future. We will cover the details of the Internship Program at ISMMART Group of Industries, the requirements, and the application process

This is an amazing opportunity for you to learn new skills, gain practical experience, and have an impact on ISMMART Company and its community.

ISMMART Internship Program In Islamabad Apply Online

ISMMART Group of Industries Islamabad is an internship designed to provide students and fresh graduates with hands-on experience in various departments.

This internship program offers a range of opportunities, including

  1. Sales
  2. Quality assurance
  3. Deliveries
  4. Transportation, and more
ISMMART Internship Program Apply Online

You Will Learn From Internship

  • Explore various aspects of ISMMART’s organization during your internship.
  • Gain hands-on experience in sales, quality assurance, deliveries, transportation, and more.
  • Actively participate in operations to gain practical insights and develop valuable industry skills.
  • Visit ISMMART’s business locations to observe daily operations and interact with industry professionals.
  • Witness firsthand how professionals excel in their respective fields.
  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of the industry and strengthen your knowledge base.

Read More: Internships in Pakistan (Complete List)

Benefits and Advantages of the ISMMART Industries Internship

As an intern, you will benefit from Internship at ISMMART:

  1. Hands-on Experience: Get practical experience in different areas of the organization, which helps you learn by doing.
  2. Skill Development: Improve important skills that are highly valued in the industry, such as sales, quality assurance, deliveries, and transportation.
  3. Industry Exposure: Visit ISMMART’s business locations to see how things work in real life and gain a good understanding of the industry.
  4. Networking Opportunities: Meet and connect with professionals who are really good at what they do, which can help you expand your professional network.
  5. Certificate of Completion: Receive a certificate when you successfully finish the internship, which shows your accomplishment and can be a boost to your resume.
  6. Competitive Stipend: Monthly stipend will be provided to every intern for your valuable contributions during the internship.
  7. Career Kickstart: Start your career on the right foot by gaining practical experience, improving your skills, and exploring potential career paths.
  8. Supportive Learning Environment: Benefit from a friendly and helpful learning environment where you can ask questions, get guidance, and learn from experienced professionals.
  9. Future Opportunities: Build a strong foundation for future job opportunities within the ISMMART Industries or similar industries.


ISMMART Group of Industries will provide a Stipend of PKR 35,000/- every month to interns


After successfully finishing the internship program, you will receive an Internship Completion Certificate. This certificate recognizes your hard work, skills, and achievements during your time at ISMMART Group of Industries. It can make your resume stronger and show that you have practical expertise in the field.

Duration of Internship

The Duration of the Internship in ISMMART is Four 04 weeks depending upon the completion of the assignment of the Internship program designed for Fresh students in Pakistan

Read Also: WWF Pakistan Internship Jobs for High School & Graduate Students

Eligibility and Requirements:

To be eligible for ISMMART’s Internship Program, you must meet the following criteria:


Fresh graduates can also apply, 3rd-year and 4th-year university enrolled students will be preferred for this internship program


No previous experience is necessary for the ISMMART Internship Program. However, if you have any experience related to sales, quality assurance, deliveries, or transportation, it could be an advantage and make your application stronger

How To Apply for Internship Program at ISMMART

You can apply online for this internship program by simply sending your fresh and updated CV (resume) to the below email address and making sure to submit your application before the deadline.

Email Address:

Late Date for Application Submission: 09th July 2023

Read & Apply: ISMMART Industries Careers In Islamabad

Important Note Before Apply: Before applying care about the following steps. Have you checked out all the details of this Internship? Are you interested and eligible for this ISMMART Group of Industries Jobs Internship Program? Follow the above procedure to Apply Online for the internship-based ISMMART careers application form online. For More Information visit the ISMMART Group of Industries Official website at 2023

Read Also: SESRIC Internship (Emerging Talents Internship Program)

Contact Information for ISMMART Group of Industries (Pvt) Ltd

For any queries please contact


The ISMMART Internship Program 2023 is a great opportunity for university students to gain practical experience and start their careers.

You will receive a good amount of monthly salary for your work, get hands-on learning opportunities, and receive a certificate when you successfully complete the internship. This experience will greatly improve your professional profile.

Don’t skip this amazing opportunity to discover more about many aspects of our company, industries, and professional services.

Join ISMMART Group of Industries and begin a journey that will help you learn the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the constantly changing job market.

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